Thank You
The TYPO3 community has many awesome people in it. That is just a fact. Let me point out and thank those kind individuals (and agencies) that support me over at Patreon or GitHub Sponsors. You are all awesome and I am very grateful towards every single one of you. In case they agreed to it, they are named here alongside an URL if they provided one. So go and checkout their projects!
Without further ado, here they are:
- Jan Greth
- Philipp Kitzberger
- Teddai Wagner
- Daniel Tondera
- Ralf Merz
- Eric Harrer -
- Peter Kraume
- Claus Due -
- Oliver Klee -
- Franz Kugelmann
If you want to join this list, support the blog at Patreon for any amount you like. Go there now. Or check out my GitHub Sponsors page and join there.
Of course, I also want to thank the supporters that do not want to be mentioned here but support the Blog nontheless. Thank you all very much! Your support means a lot to me and it amazes me that we are easily able to pay for the monthly server costs and the URL expenses with the donated money.
I also want to thank some substantial sponsors of the past. Whether you did a one time donation or supported the blog for many years, I have not forgotten you:
- Susanne Moog
- Constructiva Solutions GmbH
- Jochen Roth
- Romain Canon
- Marcus Schwemmer
- Frank Gerards
- Thomas Löffler
- Sybille Peters
- Philipp Kitzberger
- Markus Günther
- Teddai Wagner
- Dirk Koritnik
- Josef Glatz
- Medienagentur OG
- Tomas Norre Mikkelsen
- Chris Müller
- Sebastian Schreiber
- Benjamin Riezler

Why Patreon and GitHub
There is no particular reason.
Patreon is fairly well known when it comes to support for content creators of various kinds all over the world. They have a good infrastructure and it is fairly simple to become a supporter. Of course they take their share of every donation wich is about 10% of the amount. To transfer the money via PayPal an additional fee has to be paid but that is just how it is. If one uses external services one has to pay for it. But it is not too bad. Roughly 85% of the donated money finds its way to me. Also be aware that Patreon handles everything in US-Dollars.
GitHub joined the game for developer support around 2019. They offer better invoicing and there are less fees. So I would prefer GitHub support over Patreon, but it does not really matter. Pick your poison.
Sponsorship Cooperations
To get it out of the way: I will not put adds on my blog.
However, there is one exception to this rule and that is if the add comes from within the TYPO3 world. In that case we can talk. I might still decline as there is not a guarantee, but we might work something out.
The first cooperation of this kind that came to live, is with T3Planet ( This is why you'll find a link to their TYPO3 store on the bottom of every article.
I'd like to thank T3Planet once again for the support!
Why do you need money?
First of all - it feels really good to see that people care enough about my articles that they are willing to support the blog as a platform of TYPO3 development content.
I also answered this question at Patreon, so let me quote myself:
I do not need financial support in a sense that I cannot continue blogging without it. The blog posts will keep coming whether I find some Patreons or not. However, the server and domain(s) are costing money each month (resp. year) and of course writing takes time. And that is what I would use any donated money for. Paying for the infrastructure and compensating a little bit for the time effort. Maybe it could even lead to more frequent posts in the future. Who knows?
So, obviously it is a kind gesture that is very much appreciated. And if I am able to pay the bills for the blog with the patreon money, I will happily do so.
What other forms of support are there?
Great question. Glad you asked.
Besides money there are some obvious things to help the blog:
- Share it
If you find a post helpful, why not tell the world about it? Put it on your myspace page or whatever you kids use this days.
- Link it
Have a blog of your own? Feel free to use my articles as sources. Add a link, so others can find it, too.
- Don't block the VG-WORT Counting-Pixel
The Verwertungsgesellschaft WORT is a german institution that is using TYPO3 and once per is giving money to journalists, authors and other folks, who publish text of any kind. Whether or not a blog post is eligible in a certain year, is determined by its length and the number of views it got. To track the number of views, there is a Pixel loaded from a VG WORT Server on every blog article. If you block that request (with an add blocker for example) your view will not count towards reaching the threshold, and I might not get compensated.
- Tell me about mistakes / outdated information
I try to keep everything up to date but that is not always sufficient. So, if you find anything, even if you are not sure, write a short email. Feedback is always welcome!
Now, I have nothing more to say about support but one last time:
Thank you for reading and supporting!