In a previous post I talked about Signals, Slots and Hooks in TYPO3 as ways to intercept third party code. Whenever a piece of code provides a hook or a signal it is possible to register some sort of listener and alter, enhance, add to or simply observe (e.g. log) the event that happened. There have been many different concepts and approaches for this kind of code extendability (we see two different concepts in TYPO3 alone) and therefore the PHP Framework Interop Group ( has been summoned once again to find a standardized way of handling this.
What the people involved in this task came up with, was released under the PHP Standard Recommendation 14 (PSR-14) and is called "Event Dispatcher". As you should be aware of by now TYPO3 loves to implement PSRs to take advantage of smart solutions that are used in the same fashion by many other PHP projects as well. This makes a lot of sense and also opens up the possibility to integrate already battle proof packages and concepts so that TYPO3 can focus on it's main concern: being a outstanding content management system.
The latest examples of PSR integrations are Dependecy Injection (PSR-11) and Middlewares (PSR-15).
Next in line is PSR-14, which was already integrated into the TYPO3 core (Patch, Feature RST) by Benni Mack, who by the way was part of the PSR-14 working group (to assure the standard would actual fulfill the requirements of TYPO3 in the end ;)
). So shoutout to Benni for being himself!
So let's have a look now on what PSR-14 is, how it is integrated in TYPO3, how to use it in the future, as well as how to migrate from signals and hooks that will most likely disappear one day.
Ready when you are.

PSR-14 explained
To cite from the "Goal" section of the PSR-14 documentation:
Having common interfaces for dispatching and handling events allows developers to create libraries that can interact with many frameworks and other libraries in a common fashion.
PSR-14 consists of two mandatory and one optional interface.
First there is the mandatory EventDispatcherInterface
namespace Psr\EventDispatcher;
* Defines a dispatcher for events.
interface EventDispatcherInterface
* Provide all relevant listeners with an event to process.
* @param object $event
* The object to process.
* @return object
* The Event that was passed, now modified by listeners.
public function dispatch(object $event);
Next is the also mandatory ListenerProviderInterface
namespace Psr\EventDispatcher;
* Mapper from an event to the listeners that are applicable to that event.
interface ListenerProviderInterface
* @param object $event
* An event for which to return the relevant listeners.
* @return iterable[callable]
* An iterable (array, iterator, or generator) of callables. Each
* callable MUST be type-compatible with $event.
public function getListenersForEvent(object $event) : iterable;
Listener should always return void. If a listener returns anything else, the returned value is to be discarded by the dispatcher. The only way to add or change data is through the API of the dispatched Event object.
And finally there is an Interface for Events which can be marked as "done" so that no further listener is consulted. This interface is optional in the sense that only events that are considered stoppable have to implement this.
namespace Psr\EventDispatcher;
* An Event whose processing may be interrupted when the event has been handled.
* A Dispatcher implementation MUST check to determine if an Event
* is marked as stopped after each listener is called. If it is then it should
* return immediately without calling any further Listeners.
interface StoppableEventInterface
* Is propagation stopped?
* This will typically only be used by the Dispatcher to determine if the
* previous listener halted propagation.
* @return bool
* True if the Event is complete and no further listeners should be called.
* False to continue calling listeners.
public function isPropagationStopped() : bool;
The idea is that any code can dispatch an Event by calling $event = $eventDispatcher->dispatch($event)
. There is no interface for the Event itself (except when it's stoppable, then the interface from above is to be used) because an Event is a very specific object and depends on the context. It could be an immutable collection of information (called the "one-way notification case" in the PSR-14 meta document) or it could offer some API for modification. Because a generic interface is lacking, listeners should always type hint against the Event class they are expecting. Custom interfaces or class hierarchies for grouping Events are of course possible and valid.
When an Event is dispatched, the dispatcher asks a ListenerProvider
to find all listeners registered for the event in question:
$listeners = $listenerProvider->getListenersForEvent($event)
Then the dispatcher calls each listener and finally has to return the Event after the last listener has been called (or the event was marked as stopped) so that the dispatching code can proceed and may take the modified event into account.
And that is it!
For a more in depth introduction into PSR-14 and some background information, I recommend the talk "PSR-14: A major PHP Event" by Larry Garfield at the Dutch PHP Conference 2019:
This should be enough information on the general concepts of PSR-14. Time to get a little bit more specific.
It is the responsibility of the application or framework that implements PSR-14 to come up with or to choose an implementation of a ListenerProvider
and an EventDispatcher
. So let's see next how TYPO3 is doing these things.
Integration into TYPO3
If you are unfamiliar with the symfony dependency injection container and compiler passes but still want to understand the next paragraph, head over to the post about Dependency Injection in TYPO3 and read the "Advanced Functionality" chapter in particular. =)
With TYPO3 10 a container based Dependency Injection was introduced using the symfony/dependency-injection
component. The PSR-14 integration now builds on top of the dependency injection container. The TYPO3\CMS\Core\EventDispatcher\ListenerProvider
gets populated by a ListenerProviderPass
which is a CompilerPass
implementation. This means that all listeners are registered and ordered at container compile time which should be the most performant way, because once the container is compiled there is no further calculation needed to collect listeners. Please have a look at the two classes for a better understanding of the internal mechanics if you're interested.
The TYPO3\CMS\Core\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher
is a rather straightforward class. It just asks the ListenerProvider
for registered listeners for an $event
and returns the Event back to the dispatching code after all listeners have been called or the event has been stopped:
namespace TYPO3\CMS\Core\EventDispatcher;
class EventDispatcher implements EventDispatcherInterface, SingletonInterface
public function dispatch(object $event)
// If the event is already stopped, nothing to do here.
if ($event instanceof StoppableEventInterface && $event->isPropagationStopped()) {
return $event;
foreach ($this->listenerProvider->getListenersForEvent($event) as $listener) {
if ($event instanceof StoppableEventInterface && $event->isPropagationStopped()) {
return $event;
With the implementation details out of the way, we can now have a look on how all of this comes together in a few examples taken from the TYPO3 core.
Use Events in TYPO3
First let's have a look on how we register listeners in TYPO3 and look at two examples afterwards.
Listener Registration
The CompilerPass
solution for listener registration means, that in order to get recognized as a listener a class needs to be registered in a Services.(yaml|php)
file because those files are consulted for the container compilation. Listeners have to be tagged as event.listener
, because that is what the ListenerProviderPass
is looking for.
The #[AsEventListener] attribute
Since TYPO3 13Patch | Patch | Feature RST
Since TYPO3 v13 it is possible to register listeners for PSR-14 events with the PHP attribute #[AsEventListener]
. This lets us completely omit the registration from the Services.yaml
file and allows the registration from within the listener class. Classes with this attribute will automatically be tagged with event.listener
in the service container.
The new registration looks like this:
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Attribute\AsEventListener;
use Vendor\Extension\Something\SpecificEvent;
identifier: 'ext-extension/myListener'
after: 'some-identifier'
before: 'some-other-identifier, and-another-identifier'
final class MyListener
public function __invoke(SpecificEvent $event): void
// do things
It is also possible to use the attribute at the method level, in case we do not want to use __invoke()
Up to TYPO3 v12, we need to register the listener manually in the Services.yaml
Manual Registration in the Services.yaml file
Since TYPO3 10Up to TYPO3 v12, a registration of a listener looks like this:
# EXT:my_ext/Configuration/Services.yaml
- name: event.listener
identifier: 'ext-extension/myListener'
method: 'myListenerMethod'
event: Vendor\Extension\Something\SpecificEvent
after: 'some-identifier'
before: 'some-other-identifier, and-another-identifier'
This Services.yaml
example registers a listener for an Event. Let's look at this line by line:
- Line 2: The registration happens in the
section. This is where all the Dependency Injection configuration goes as well - Line 3: The Full Qualified Class Name (FQCN) of the listener.
- Line 4: The registration of listeners is done with service tags (official symfony documentation).
- Line 5: The tag name for listener registration is
. This tag will be recognized and processed by the before mentionedListenerProviderPass
. - Line 6: The identifier of the listener. This is used to order the listener
other listeners. If no identifier is specified the FQCN is the identifier. - Line 7: The method that should receive the Event. This is optional. If no method is configured the listener class itself is expected to be callable via
as shown in the 2nd example at the end of this post. - Line 8: The FQCN of the Event the listener is registered for. This is no longer needed since TYPO3 v11.
- Line 9: Optional listeners that need to run before our listener. We register after those.
- Line 10: Optional listeners that need to run after our listener. We register before those.
Note: A listener class can have multiple event.listener
Auto-detection of PSR-14 Event Classes
Since TYPO3 11Since TYPO3 v11 (Patch, Feature RST), we no longer need to specify the event class we are listening to when registering our listeners in the Services.yaml
because it is fetched automatically by class reflection during container compilation time. This means an absolut minimal configuration is down to:
- name: event.listener
The event listener registered above would have no specific order, its identifier would be its class name, the event class is detected automatically and it uses the __invoke()
List of all Event Listeners
A list of the ordered Event listeners has also been added to the configuration module of the system extension lowlevel
. This is great for a quick search what listeners are registered for an Event.

This concludes the registration details. Let's move on.
Replacement of Signals and Hooks
One task during the development of TYPO3 10 LTS is to migrate all Signals to Events. This means the code that emitted a Signal via extbases SignalSlot\Dispatcher
will now instead create an Event object and pass this to the EventDispatcher
. To be backwards compatible and still provide the old API, the Signal dispatching itself is moved to a listener for the Event (which is elegant and smart). On occasions where the core itself consumed a Signal in the past, a listener is registered instead, so that the core does no longer use Signals at all. If you are interested in the process, have a look at this example patch. Hooks will be tackled in a similar fashion but there are a lot of those and finishing the migration might take some time.
Extension authors are encouraged to switch to the introduced Events wherever possible and to not rely on the old Signals or Hooks. In fact many Signals that have been migrated are already deprecated (example Deprecation RST).
Now, let's finally look at some examples from the core than can be adopted for custom extensions.
Example: EnrichFileMetaDataEvent
With Patch #61715 all FAL related Signals have been migrated to PSR-14 Events (Feature RST). Let's pick an example from among them that goes the full distance: a former Signal migrated to an Event that is consumed by the TYPO3 core itself. The method MetaDataRepository::findByFileUid()
used to emit a Signal for meta data enrichment.
The old code looked like this:
public function findByFileUid($uid)
$passedData = new \ArrayObject($record);
return $passedData->getArrayCopy();
protected function emitRecordPostRetrievalSignal(\ArrayObject $data)
$this->getSignalSlotDispatcher()->dispatch(self::class, 'recordPostRetrieval', [$data]);
To migrate this to PSR-14 the first thing we need is an object for this particular Event. That would be the EnrichFileMetaDataEvent
* Event that is called after a record has been loaded from database
* Allows other places to do extension of metadata at runtime or
* for example translation and workspace overlay.
final class EnrichFileMetaDataEvent
* @var int
private $fileUid;
* @var int
private $metaDataUid;
* @var array
private $record;
public function __construct(int $fileUid, int $metaDataUid, array $record)
$this->fileUid = $fileUid;
$this->metaDataUid = $metaDataUid;
$this->record = $record;
public function getFileUid(): int
return $this->fileUid;
public function getMetaDataUid(): int
return $this->metaDataUid;
public function getRecord(): array
return $this->record;
public function setRecord(array $record): void
$this->record = $record;
This object offers three public methods for reading and one for modification. This is the full extent of what listeners are supposed to do with this Event. Listeners can access the file uid as well as the meta data uid but are not allowed to change those. This seems very reasonable and it is one of the great advantages of working with Event objects that the object can offer a clear and clean API of what are the intended options for listeners.
Great stuff.
Now the code that emitted the Signal has to dispatch the Event instead of the Signal. That's easy:
public function findByFileUid($uid)
return $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(
new EnrichFileMetaDataEvent($uid, (int)$record['uid'], $record)
Now we have a PSR-14 Event dispatched. Yay. But the Signal is gone and previously registered slots are no longer called. So, to be backwards compatible the next thing is to register a listener that emits the Signal again. This listener is registered in EXT:core/Configuration/Services.yaml
- name: event.listener
identifier: 'legacy-slot'
method: 'onMetaDataRepositoryRecordPostRetrieval'
event: TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Event\EnrichFileMetaDataEvent
Now the method SlotReplacement::onMetaDataRepositoryRecordPostRetrieval()
is called when the Event TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Event\EnrichFileMetaDataEvent
is dispatched. This listener does nothing more than emitting the previously removed Signal:
public function onMetaDataRepositoryRecordPostRetrieval(EnrichFileMetaDataEvent $event): void
$data = $event->getRecord();
$data = new \ArrayObject($data);
$this->signalSlotDispatcher->dispatch(MetaDataRepository::class, 'recordPostRetrieval', [$data]);
Last piece of the puzzle is to migrate the previously registered slot to an event listener (Patch). For this a new listener is registered in EXT:frontend/Configuration/Services.yaml
- name: event.listener
identifier: 'typo3-frontend/overlay'
method: 'languageAndWorkspaceOverlay'
event: TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Event\EnrichFileMetaDataEvent
The method FileMetadataOverlayAspect::languageAndWorkspaceOverlay()
was previously registered as a slot. It has to be slightly refactored to receive the EnrichFileMetaDataEvent
now and to get the needed data from the Event object.
final class FileMetadataOverlayAspect
public function languageAndWorkspaceOverlay(EnrichFileMetaDataEvent $event): void
$overlaidMetaData = $event->getRecord();
$pageRepository = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(PageRepository::class);
$pageRepository->versionOL('sys_file_metadata', $overlaidMetaData);
$overlaidMetaData = $pageRepository
if ($overlaidMetaData !== null) {
This concludes all steps necessary to migrate from a Signal to a PSR-14 Event. More examples of this can be found in the TYPO3 core. Extension authors are encouraged to migrate to the new Events and to not rely on the old Signals which will be removed in a later version of TYPO3.
Example: AfterMailerInitializationEvent
Let's look at the AfterMailerInitializationEvent
as a second example because the registered listener (that also just adds the old signal for backwards compatibility) uses the __invoke()
method which means the listener class itself is the callable listener.
First, the registration:
# EXT:core/Configuration/Services.yaml
- name: event.listener
identifier: 'legacy-slot'
event: TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\Event\AfterMailerInitializationEvent
As mentioned above, pointing to a method
of the listener is optional and can be omitted in case the listener class itself is callable. In this case no method is given and therefore the listener class has to implement __invoke()
class PostInitializeMailer
* @var Dispatcher
protected $dispatcher;
public function __construct(Dispatcher $dispatcher)
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
public function __invoke(AfterMailerInitializationEvent $event): void
$this->dispatcher->dispatch(Mailer::class, 'postInitializeMailer', [$event->getMailer()]);
To cite from the best practices section of the official documentation of the PSR-14 integration into TYPO3:
When configuring Listeners, it is recommended to add one Listener class per Event type, and have it called via
With all this being said and the examples at hand you should be able to migrate your extension code to use PSR-14 Events and to dispatch Events rather than emitting Signals.
Thanks for reading and may you always listen to the right Events!
Further Information
PSR-14 based EventDispatcher, official Feature RST
The EventDispatcher, official documentation
PSR-14 Event Dispatcher, official Specs by PHP-FIG
List of PSR-14 Events provided by the TYPO3 core, official documentation